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Staffing Reconciliation


Staffing reconciliations are performed monthly to help departments ensure permanent budgets are aligned appropriately.  Budget allocations and UCPath updates should be requested at the time payroll actions are processed by department staff.  The monthly reconciliation process will identify any remaining adjustments necessary for the prior month.

For academic separations, a completed Staff and Faculty Funding Request Form must be submitted to the Provost Office and FP&A. The Provost Office will process the necessary Budget Request and FP&A will update UCPath.

If the budget requests and BDP updates are approved by the 25th of the month, they will be reflected in the month’s staffing reconciliation files and should result in a lower number of staffing variances to be addressed. Please note that requests for funding outside of the organization must allow for necessary processing/review/approval time.

Staff can follow the Staffing Reconciliation Flowchart to determine any actions that are necessary for department personnel actions.  

Funding Source within Department or Org

If the permanent funding source for the personnel action is within the deparment/org the department will process any necessary budgetary requests to align budgets appropriately.

Funding Source outside of Department or Org

If the department is to receive funding from outside of their department, the Staff and Faculty Funding Request Form must be submitted to the appropriate department staff.  The funding unit will process a budget request to transfer the applicable funds.  

Please refer to the respective department’s guidelines and/or funding request submission deadlines.

Central Campus Funding

Financial Planning & Analysis will process approved central campus budget adjustments.
