December 20, 2024
Dear Campus Colleagues,
Units with eligible activity and interested in becoming a new Rate-Based Service Center unit (Recharge unit) effective July 1st, 2025, may now submit a New Rate-Based Service Center Interest form (attached).
Rate-Based Service Centers are units that provide specific, ongoing services to several campus units and recover the cost of these services from campus units on a “rate basis.” Rate-based service center units develop rates to consistently and equitably recover the costs of the recharge operations, such as salaries, benefits, equipment depreciation, materials, and supplies. Recharge units are expected to operate on a breakeven basis, with no surpluses or deficits.
For additional information, please refer to the below documents, which can also be found on our website:
- Service Center Getting Started Guide - Please review the flowchart provided in this document for further guidance.
Recharge Revenue Materiality Threshold Policy – Policy applicable to proposed and existing rate-based units.
UC Merced Recharge Handbook – Contains detailed information on service center rate development, policies, and procedures.
Please submit a completed Interest form on or before January 31st, 2025.
Units will receive further information once interest forms are reviewed and eligibility is determined.